Chef AJ’s weight loss story is VERY inspiring. She shares such a wealth of knowledge with her audience. Go follow her, she’s amazing! She also has hundreds if not thousands of low calorie dense, starch-based recipes. Here is her youtube channel:
I love this webinar with Dr. Anthony Lim because of the photos that blatantly show the difference in calorie density between different foods. This video really allowed me to understand the basic principles of calorie density. I hope you’ll find it to be helpful.
Andrew Taylor lost over 100 pounds eating only potatoes! While I don’t necessarily recommend this – it is a great example of weight loss following low calorie density and he shares some great insights. Check out Andrew ‘Spudfit’ Taylor’s youtube channel, here: and be sure to subscribe to follow his inspiring journey.
In this interview with Dr. John McDougall, you will learn HOW a starch based ( low calorie dense ) diet works to treat obesity and enable you to lose weight that you’ve struggled to lose your whole life.