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My Word of the Year for 2020
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My Word of the Year for 2020

What’s a ‘word of the year’?

It’s a word (or in my case this year, 2 words) that summarize your goals and focus for the year ahead.

It’s a super simplified version of a new year’s resolution. I find traditional new year’s resolutions to be uninspiring – and almost bound to fail.

In this video, I share why I chose “Know Yourself” as my two words.

Why I chose “Know Yourself” as my words for 2020.

  • When know your strengths and weaknesses, you can make better choices for yourself. You can minimize the negative effects of your weaknesses by asking for help in these areas.
  • When you know the negative cycles you can tend to get sucked into, you can alter your environment to minimize the likelihood of those things reoccurring. For example: if you know that bringing junk food into the house because company is coming over leads you to eating it for weeks or maybe months before you get back into a healthy routine – you can make different decisions.
  • The more honestly and objectively you can look at yourself and really be aware of the optimal conditions you need to live your best life – the easier it will be to create that environment.

Suggestions for your own word of the year (or month, if you prefer)

  • if your goal is fitness: discipline, radiance, sweat, momentum, empowered.
  • if your goal is financial success: earn, invest, prosper, wealth.
  • if your goal is travel and fun: explore, live fully, savor, joy, adventure, luxury.
  • if your goal is romance: bliss, cherish, adore.
  • if your goal is self-esteem: action, proud, decision, accomplished, diligence, work, best self.