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Baby Steps to Getting Things Done (FREE Printable Check List)

Baby Steps to Getting Things Done (FREE Printable Check List)

(the examples in this post are related to household chores but the same strategies can be used for any area in which you want to become more effective and disciplined.)

1. Complete a 10 minute task before watching tv.

This is a great habit to get into! Before you indulge in something frivolous and leisurely like watching tv or scrolling through social media: set a 10 minute timer and do something around the house that can easily be done. Examples: wipe down your fridge doors. Dust your living room. Empty all garbages. You will be amazed at how much you can actually get done in 10 minutes! If you continue to do this for only 10 minutes each time you are about to relax, you will see some impressive results. For more ideas of 10 minute tasks you can do, download the accompanying pdf in this blog post.

2. Set a 10 minute timer before you get ready for bed and do something to make tomorrow easier for you. 


  • Put your workout shoes by the door and fill your water bottle so you can wake up and go to the gym without having to get those things ready in the morning.
  • Tidy organize your home office so it’s ready for you to just start working when you wake up.
  • Pick out your outfit and makeup in advance and set everything out.

Commit to just setting your timer for 10 minutes.  These are baby steps and are meant to only be baby steps.  If you end up spending an hour and a half on these steps, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to make them consistent routines.  Keep it very easy and only do what you can do in 10 minutes, then stop.

3. 10 item declutter in 10 minutes.

When you actually stop and think about the amount of items that are brought into your home on a weekly basis, it’s astonishing.  Mail, magazines, gifts, food items and other miscellaneous things make their way into our homes and sometimes stay there much longer than necessary.  This results in a cluttered home that feels messy and stressful. With an empty box in hand, set your timer for 10 minutes and walk through your home collecting items to throw out, recycle or donate.  This can include expired makeup, food items and items that are broken beyond repair. 

4. 10 minute digital declutter.

Set your timer for 10 minutes and delete old apps you’re not using.  Delete photos and videos from your phone you have duplicates of and unsubscribe from e-mail lists that you no longer want to receive daily emails from.  

The accompanying FREE printable checklists may be helpful for getting started with your baby step routines. 

Click HERE to download the free resource!
