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What I learned from gaining & losing 30 pounds twice in 5 years
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What I learned from gaining & losing 30 pounds twice in 5 years


4+ years ago, I watched a youtube video about Chef AJ, a self-proclaimed ‘junk food vegan’ who struggled with obesity since childhood and how she finally was able to lose and maintain over 50 pounds after adopting a low calorie density, plant-based diet.  I was intrigued!  I googled “low calorie density” and watched several videos by doctors (including Dr. Anthony Lim – whose webinars I always recommend) and something just clicked in my mind.  It made total sense.   


You can eat MORE food and still lose weight when the food you’re eating is low in calories per pound.

So, I tried it and it worked.  I stopped using olive oil on my salads, I stopped adding large spoonfuls of peanut butter to my oatmeal and I lost over 20 pounds in a few months.


THEN –  over the next couple of years… I gained it all back and more – without even realizing it.  I mean, I knew I wasn’t as slim as I once was – but I really don’t even remember deciding to start eating packaged, processed vegan junk food again – it just kinda “happened”.  


Fast forward to March 2019 – Alex and I went to Thailand and he proposed on top of the highest mountain in Chiang Mai.  It was beautiful.  I had planned to take lots of photos on this trip and even film vlogs to share on my youtube channel – but, I didn’t.   I made up excuses as to why I didn’t film -but  I knew deep down it was because I wasn’t happy with how I looked.  I didn’t feel comfortable in my clothes – I felt like hiding.


So, in October of 2019 something clicked again and I just decided to try an oil-free way of eating again.  I stuck with it for a week.  Then, another week.  And another week.  I devoured informative webinars about the Starch Solution diet and watched Chef AJ’s videos almost every day to keep me motivated and inspired to continue to cook this way.  I commit to walking 10,000 steps per day and on my walks, I’d listen to Dr. John McDougall, Gustavo Tolosa, Dr. Doug Lisle, and more.  Before I knew it I was in a deep groove – and I could really notice a difference in how I looked and felt.  


I want to remind you that this is a journey – not an overnight change.  Sometimes slipping back into old habits and routines is part of that journey and that’s ok – you can choose to get back to the healthy steps at any time.


Here are some tips from my experience of gaining and losing and gaining and losing 30 pounds in less than 5 years:

 1. Being prepared and having simple routines are SO important when it comes to long term success with any healthy habit.

– always have healthy snack options in your fridge/pantry.

– keep tempting junk foods out of your house! Chef AJ says “If it’s in your house, it’s in your mouth.”

– Learn to prepare 20-minute meals.  Keep it simple!

2. Don’t reward yourself with junk food or “treats”.

3. Know yourself.  I know that moderation doesn’t work for me so I don’t even bother eating things that I would have to limit or calorie count.

4. Be prepared to deal with social pressures and questioning from relatives, colleagues, and friends.  You may hear things like “Oh, come on! What’s the big deal?! Just have one piece of cake!”

5. Dining out and travel can be difficult when you’re trying to stick with your healthy habits.  Be prepared to have to make an extra effort and go out of your way when it comes to mealtimes.

  Start where you are.  Do what you can. Take it one healthy meal at a time.  You’ve got this!

I love you, 


