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carrot ginger potato soup
low calorie density recipes

carrot ginger potato soup

Ready in 30 minutes | Serves 4 people


  • 4 cups of carrots diced
  • 2 medium russet potatoes peeled & diced
  • 1 x tablespoon of garlic powder
  • 1 x 1 inch piece of peeled ginger
  • 3 x stalks of celery diced
  • 1 x tablespoon of lime juice (per bowl of soup – to be added last)
  • 1 x medium onion
  • 1 x teaspoon of dill spice
  • 4 x cups of water
  • Pinch of sea salt (optional)
  1. Sautee onion with a splash of water in a large soup pot on the stovetop over medium heat for 5 minutes (until translucent) – stirring often so that it doesn’t stick to the pan.
  2.  Dice up the piece of ginger and add it to the pot for an additional 1-2 minutes.
  3. Add potatoes,  carrots, celery, water, garlic powder and stir together. Cook for 25-30 minutes, until carrots are soft.
  4. Blend until smooth with a high powered blender.
  5. Stir in lime juice
  6. Sprinkle dill spice and salt on top and enjoy!